Friday, 24 June 2016

Final Week, Final Blog

Week 22 (20/06/16 - 24/06/16)

It feels like it has been a while since I haven't had to set an alarm to get up. The student accommodation is slowly emptying with people filtering out and heading home to their home countries and universities. At the end of this week Lucy and I are making the journey to Italy to spend time in Venice and then Rome before returning home to Belfast. However this week is reserved for relaxing in Leeuwarden. With classes finishing last week and with assignments already handed in, with minimal stress, there is little left to do than relax, tidy, pack and spend the last few days enjoying the Netherlands.

On Monday Lucy and I made the train journey to Utrecht, somewhere which has been recommended for us to visit by a few different people. Unfortunately our good weather finally failed us and it rained consistently all day. This put a slight dampener on the day however we still enjoyed the city of Utrecht.

The Dom Tower of Utrecht
Relative of Louis van Nassau whose
statue is in Leeuwarden
Very colourful pedestrian crossing
Green rabbits instead of green men

Tuesday night we spent enjoying a game of Bingo in a local bar in the town centre, unfortunately neither of us won anything. This was followed by a drink in the Irish bar while enjoying the Euros.

The rest of the days spent in Leeuwarden revolved around errands and getting prepared to leave on Saturday for Italy. I finally made it to the Pancake Ship which I have been meaning to visit since arriving here in January and we made one last visit to my favourite restaurant in Leeuwarden Double B which does one the best burgers I think I've ever eaten.


I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands and the entirety of my Erasmus experience.

Final look at NHL Hogeschool

Going to miss the canals and the boats

"All good things must come to an end." - Geoffrey Chaucer

Thanks for reading my blog. 

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Final Week of Class

Week 21 (13/06/16 - 19/06/16)

Starting off this week I had my final return to the school in Groningen to re-teach my BREXIT lesson to another class. This time I was flying solo as Nadja was unwell which admittedly made it a bit more daunting however I have found in the past I prefer to teach by myself so I can do things my way. I was teaching in the 3VA class which is the same age as the previous class except the other set. I was informed before going into the lesson that this class was of a slightly higher standard than the first and a lot more opinionated so I had high expectations. In my opinion this lesson ran much better than the first. Before the lesson began I felt a lot more comfortable and prepared as I had taught it once before and I knew what responses to expect from the students. Teaching by myself I felt more confident and authoritative as I didn't feel the need to check or talk things through with Nadja, I was able to just do what I thought was best throughout the lesson. Again the students responded very positively to all the resources and activities and during the feedback at the end they were very positive towards me. Many thought I was well organised for the lesson and that they liked the manner and approach I took towards them. This was nice to hear as it was probably the main thing I was nervous about as the only experience I have teaching students of post primary age took place in the previous lesson.

Students using their phones to search for information
Students watching video clips about the Brexit

On the Thursday of this week I also had my final day in my regular placement school. Nadja had recovered from illness and so we both went for the final day. This was a relatively easy day as the students were just giving their informal presentations. This was interestingly done. As the 3 classes we taught in are all next to each other the teachers simply opened the interconnecting doors and 1 class would circulate while the other 2 gave their presentations to small groups. This made it very informal and the students appeared very comfortable doing their presentations. Nadja and I simply circulated with the other students and got round most of the presentations. They were all a lot better than we had expected as in the previous week very few were anywhere close to finishing but thankfully the class teachers had spent a little time on them during the week.

Students presenting their work
One of the Year 8 groups 

Upon completion of my placements I was required to reflect on my lessons, much like we do at home. Although I spent less time in the school in Groningen where I taught my BREXIT lesson I oddly feel I gained more from that experience than I did my regular placement school. In my regular school I felt very out of place and at times almost useless and I think this is due to the large language barrier I had with the majority of the students. I feel I can now partly empathise with a newcomer child now when they are placed in an environment where they struggle to communicate. However in the school in Groningen due to their high levels of English I feel I was able to achieve more and develop more professionally. I feel that over the course of this placement and the "Active Learning" module I was able to address many of the competences outlined by the GTCNI, for example competences 8, 14, 16, 18 and 20.

GTCNI (2007) Teaching: the Reflective Profession. Incorporating the Northern Ireland Teacher Competences. [accessed at:]
(I have permission from both the class teacher and the students to use their image)

Sunday, 19 June 2016

BREXIT Lesson and One Last Amsterdam Trip

Week 20 (06/06/16 - 12/06/16)

Monday was finally the day for teaching our BREXIT lessons. Unfortunately this required an early start for us as we had to get the train to Groningen. We arrived later than planned as our train was cancelled and we had to get a later train, but our tutor met us at the station to give us a lift to the school. We made our way to the staff room to meet our contact in the school and we were informed about the classes we would be taking that day. Nadja and I were given the 3VB class where the students were 14/15 and have been having bilingual teaching for 3 years so their English is near fluent. The students were going into their 3rd hour and we weren't teaching until the 4th hour so we had some time and were given the opportunity to observe an English lesson for a slightly younger class. This was interesting to see as neither Nadja or I have ever taught in a post primary school so it was good to see how the students behaved before we taught our own lesson, as well as how the teacher treated them. This particular teacher seemed to have a good rapport with all of his students and Nadja and I both noticed how the students seem to hold him in quite high regards.

Plank is used when there is an odd
number for partner activities
After this it was time to begin our lesson. The lesson would last for the 4th and 5th hour, which are actually only 50 minutes long each, with a 20 minutes break in between for lunch. Our tutor and the class teacher sat at the back of the room for the lesson and it felt very much like a tutor visit during placement at home. In general the lesson ran smoothly and the students responded well to me and the content. I made some class management errors but I'm chalking those up to being out of practice. It was an interesting experience teaching older students, they also surprised us with the knowledge they already had about the BREXIT. Their English was excellent so there were no problems on that front and they seemed to enjoy the freedom we gave them within the lesson to do their own research but all remained on task. We used a quiz system online, called a Kahoot, for our plenary session which they connect to with their phones and then answer the questions which apparently is very common here. When starting up the quiz the students heard it before it appeared on the screen and knew exactly what was expected of them and immediately began preparing to take part. I will definitely use this in my future teaching as all students thoroughly enjoyed the activity and it gives a good sense of understanding throughout the whole class as well as being fun and interactive. It would be perfect for older classes in schools with access to iPads. Both the students and class teacher were positive about the lesson. So far I feel I have been able to address some of the professional competences such as;

"Teachers will have developed: a knowledge and understanding of how to use technology effectively, both to aid pupil learning and to support their professional role, and how this competence embeds across all of the competences." - GTCNI 2007 


"Teachers will: employ strategies that motivate and meet the needs of all pupils, including those with special and additional educational needs and for those not learning in their first language." 
- GTCNI 2007

Over lunch I was having a discussion with one of the class teachers who was explaining that he was actually studying physics and biology at our university, NHL, while still teaching in the school in order to gain qualifications to teach them as a subject. I then actually bumped into him between classes on the Thursday in NHL and I found this interesting as I've never heard of this happening anywhere else.

Apart from this day classes ran as normal except for "Places of Memory" which was moved to the Thursday. This was our final meeting for this class in which we handed in our assignments and had a final discussion. Although not teaching related I very much enjoyed taking part in this module as it gave me the opportunity to see the province of Friesland and learn about the Frisian culture which I didn't know existed until my arrival here. It was also interesting to see the similarities that could be made between our two cultures.

On Friday I made my final trip to Amsterdam with Lucy simply to take advantage of the summer sales. We also decided to give the cinema another go as we thought in a major tourist city it may be more like home. It wasn't.

Perks of Amsterdam is the great food
Art market gathering outside our lunch spot
Can trust a cinema that sells dried
fruit as a snack
There appears to be a cow on my plate

"My favourite animal is steak." - Fran Lebowitz

GTCNI (2007) Teaching: the Reflective Profession. Incorporating the Northern Ireland Teacher Competences. [accessed at:]

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Peat Bogs and Beach Trips

Week 19 (30/05/16 - 05/06/16)

This week feels like a repetition of last. With this term coming to an end it means assignments are starting to pile up and in order to avoid the situation I was in last term I am really trying hard to do a little every day. Class carried on as normal this week. In "Active Learning" we were doing our finishing touches for our BREXIT lessons as they will be taught in school next week, which is a slightly daunting task. However I am looking forward to the experience of teaching secondary aged students. We continued are attempt to master a little of the Dutch language in preparation for our only exam in 2 weeks time and we made our final excursion with "Places of Memory". For our final trip we visited a local open air museum dedicated to showing the plight of peat workers during the 19th century. This was interesting to see especially with Northern Ireland's on history with peat. We were also amazed by the living conditions the workers and their families had to endure. We finished off our trip with a visit to a local bar which was dedicated to the leader of the workers strike at this time. Here our tutors bought and enjoyed a drink with us in the sun which I think just shows the informality of classes here in the Netherlands.  

Family of 8 lived in this house
A look inside the home

Peat from Ireland
As a mid week activity just to get out of the flat Lucy and I decided to brave the Dutch cinema. At home we would generally go to the cinema once a week with it being one of my favourite pass times but I've avoided it here so far having not wanted to deal with the Dutch subtitles. However having missed some major releases in the past months we decided to give it a go. The cinema itself was grand and after 10 minutes of the film you don't even notice the subtitles anymore, however their snacks were not up to scratch. Much to Lucy's dismay they only offered salted popcorn and much to both our dismays their drink of choice was Pepsi, not Coca-Cola. They also seem to charge different ticket prices depending on the film and how long it has been in cinemas with our own tickets costing us a near extortionate price of 10 euro each. Overall it was a nice way to pass the time but I don't think we will be visiting the cinema in Leeuwarden again.

On Saturday Lucy and I decided to take advantage of the great weather and make a trip to the beach in Den Haag. This is somewhere in the Netherlands that I've been meaning to visit since almost my first week here. However rather than walk the city and see the sights we decided to just hit the beach and relax. We arrived about 12.30pm and fortunately there is a tram stop right outside the train station that takes you directly to the beach which is otherwise a 1 hour walk. Here we got slight worried because, although warm, there was a tremendous amount of fog coming in from the sea but this actually subsided after about 30 minutes and we spent the rest of the day sweltering in the sun. Unfortunately it turns out we're not great with sun cream and both ended up getting badly burnt but you live and you learn.

Looks like a holiday resort
First sand castle of the summer

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Street Festivals and Windmills

Week 18 (23/05/16 - 29/05/16)

With deadlines quickly approaching over the next 2 weeks I decided to attempt to not get bogged down like last time. This meant taking some time this week and knuckling down. Fortunately for me my Tuesday and Wednesday freed up completely coincidentally due to how the classes were scheduled. However having more time to do work just means having more time to procrastinate and by the end of the 2 days I had a lot less done than I hoped but looking at it positively I did more than I would have done if I hadn't tried.

Lucy made her final trip back to Leeuwarden on the Wednesday after heading back to Hasselt the previous Thursday to pack up her room and do a final presentation. This means she'll be here until the 25th of June when we head off on a wee Italian adventure. However her trip back wasn't exactly smooth sailing. After me being amazing and organising all her trains and sending her numerous changeover schedules she managed to miss her bus, which meant she missed her first train, and after getting on a later train she managed to get herself left at a random station in a place called Weert. Thankfully there was one last train passing through Weert to get her where she needed to be which meant she was able to get the last train to Leeuwarden.

It was good she came when she did because there was a street festival over the weekend to celebrate liberation day.

Another standard day in Leeuwarden
Traffic cones hung up all round town

Frisian cow makes an appearance again
Some live music in the middle of time

I had my third day of placement on the Thursday. With the year 8 class out on a trip it meant we only had 2 classes to see. The task proved a bit daunting today for some of the pupils in the younger class which for one boy resulted in tears but he was easily calmed down and once Nadja helped him through a bit he got on much better. I've found that I am at the lowest of the understanding ladder as the teacher can speak both Dutch and English, Nadja is able to speak English and with her German she is able to understand Dutch, and then there is me only able to do English. There are 10 year old children in the class fluently speaking English and Dutch and switching between languages during conversation which makes me feel kind of guilty and also gives me the opinion that maybe we should start teaching a second language in primary school.

It was our penultimate "Places of Memory" trip on Friday and we finally made our way to a site our tutors had mentioned to us on more than one previous occasion. We made our way to a place called Dokkum in order to visit the place that St. Boniface was killed and to visit a chapel dedicated to his memory. Unfortunately the chapel was actually closed at the time we visited so we were not able to go inside but we were able to explore the grounds. The reason Boniface was killed was because his job for the church was to bring Christianity and the control of the church to different areas, however for the Frisian's their freedom is very important to them so they killed him in revolt. To this day they think very little of St. Boniface and the chapel isn't very respected in the community but it is a site of Catholic pilgrimage.

Statue on the site of St. Boniface's death,
covering his head with The Bible

We also finally got up close with an old school windmill.

"When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills." 
- Chinese Proverb